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Academy of Information Technology

Information Technology
NAF logo
AOIT logo

 WHY NAF (National Academy Foundation)?

 Since 1982, NAF has been committed to preparing America’s future workforce and our continued commitment to innovation and success has led to the growth of our network and a 98 percent senior graduation rate.

Starting a NAF academy can help increase your school and district’s graduation rate and give your students the confidence to take charge of their futures and succeed in college, career, and beyond. As you start a NAF academy, NAF staff will be there to assist in the application process and the Year of Planning (YOP), as well as provide continued support after YOP graduation. The Year of Planning is a structured development process in which staff provide guided technical assistance enabling your school to begin the start-up process prior to enrolling students and create a solid foundation for academy success.

 NAF Business Partners

Hired AOIT Interns:




Work product of Senior AOIT class 2021:



Academy of Information Technology Course Offerings


All NAF, National Academy Foundation, Academies have an open enrollment policy.


AOIT Social Media Accounts:

Instagram: @SkylineNAF Instagram Account

Twitter: AOIT Twitter Account

Facebook: AOIT Facebook Account

YouTube:  AOIT YouTube Account





Sign up to volunteer/chaperone for Dallas ISD:

Click here to volunteer!


AOIT Brochure:




Spanish Version 






slide 2 span



Converting Part- Time jobs to NAF Internships Paperwork

Paperwork for Internship


Black Polos for the IT Academy can be obtain by going to:

Affordable Uniforms

7014 Bruton Dr.

Dallas, TX 75217

Store phone: 214.206.1977


College Board to regisiter for SAT and Scholarships


Link below for interested student to sign up for the IT academy:



Skyline Tribune & AOIT Academy of Information Technology


Student Resume Template


Junior Template click here


DISD Photo Release Form


Academy Promotional Video click here

 AOIT Course Sequence 20-21

Level 1 - Mr. Burns & Ms. Jones

Principles of Information Technology 7309

TSDS PEIMS Code: 13027200 (PRINIT) Grade Placement: 9–10 Credit: 1 Prerequisites: None In Principles of Information Technology, students will develop computer literacy skills to adapt to emerging technologies used in the global marketplace. Students will implement personal and interpersonal skills to prepare for a rapidly evolving workplace environment. Students will enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and reasoning skills and apply them to the information technology environment.

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Level 2 - Ms. Wilson 

Web Game Development 03580830

TSDS PEIMS Code: 03580830 (TAWEBGD) Grade Placement: 10 Credit: 1 Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of IT. Web Game Development will allow students to demonstrate learn python programming language, creative thinking, develop innovative strategies, and use digital and communication tools necessary to develop fully functional online games. Web Game Development has career applications for many aspects of the game industry, including programming, art principles, graphics, web design, storyboarding and scripting, and business and marketing. The six strands include creativity and innovation; communication and collaboration; research and information fluency; critical thinking; problem solving, and decision making; digital citizenship; and technology operations and concepts.

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Level 3 - Mr. Miller

Web Design 03580820 

TSDS PEIMS Code: 03580820 (TAWEBDN) Grade Placement: 11 Credit: 1 Prerequisite: Web Game Development.  In Web Design students will acquire knowledge of web design and technological operations and concepts that support creativity, innovation, collaboration, information fluency, critical thinking and decision making. The six strands include creativity and innovation; communication and collaboration; research and information fluency; critical thinking; problem solving, and decision making; digital citizenship; and technology operations and concepts.

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Level 4 - Mr. Masimini

Practicum in Information Technology 7317 - Jobs Course 

TSDS PEIMS Code: 13028000 (First Time Taken) (PRACIT1) 13028010 (Second Time Taken) (PRACIT2) Grade Placement: 12 Credit: 2 Prerequisite: A minimum of two high school information technology (IT) courses. In the Practicum in Information Technology, students will gain advanced knowledge and skills in the application, design, production, implementation, maintenance, evaluation, and assessment of products, services, and systems. Knowledge and skills in the proper use of analytical skills and application of IT concepts and standards are essential to prepare students for success in a technology-driven society. Critical thinking, IT experience, and product development may be conducted in a classroom setting with an industry mentor, as an unpaid or paid internship, as part of a capstone project, or as career preparation. 

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Project-Based Research 7237 - Students without Jobs 

TSDS PEIMS Code: 12701500 (First Time Taken) (PROBS1) 12701510 (Second Time Taken) (PROBS2) 12701520 (Third Time Taken) (PROBS3) Grade Placement: 12 Credit: 1 Prerequisite: None. Project-Based Research is a course for students to research a real-world problem. Students are matched with a mentor from the business or professional community to develop an original project on a topic related to career interests. Students use scientific methods of investigation to conduct in-depth research, compile findings, and present their findings to an audience that includes experts in the field. To attain academic success, students must have opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills in a variety of settings. 

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