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Special Teams


Color Guard

Color Guard
Cowntown Female Color Guard

Male Color Guard

Captain: Cadet Lujan Eddie

Co-captain: Cadet Allen Mason

Female Color Guard

Captain: Cadet Segura Gissle

Co-captain: Cadet Karen Rodriguez

Practices for Color Guard are held Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 4:30pm to 5:30pm

The Battalion Color Guard teams consists of 4 members a U.S. Flag and a Texas flag bearer and two guard rifles. They are responsible for presenting the flag in a variety of settings. The members of Color Guard Practice drill and ceremonies, proper wearing of the uniform as well as the proper ways to show respect to our nations flag.


Drill Teams

Cowtown Armed Drill Team
Cowtown Unarmed Drill team

The Battalion Drill Teams is an exciting ceremonial extension of the discipline, teamwork and leadership skills learned in class. The teams perform at all inspections and ceremonies; is consisted of a Male Armed Drill Team and Female Unarmed Drill Team. The Drill Team is outstanding in creating a high state of discipline, maturity, moral, confidence, attention to detail and distinct atmosphere within the JROTC Program.

Practices for Drill Team are held Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 4:30pm to 5:30pm

Armed Drill Team

Captain: Cadet Adolfo Cortes

Co-captain: Cadet Jesus Medrano

The Male Armed Drill Team consists of 10 members, including the guide. The team uses a M1903 Springfield replica rifle and competes in Inspection, Regulation and Exhibition events. Armed consists of regulation performing a military march within the given boundaries is judged by, if cadets are in synced and cleanness in how it is executed.

Unarmed Drill Team

Captain: Cadet Nancy Trejo

Co-captain: Cadet Dulce Arriaga

The Female Unarmed Drill Team consists of a 10 to 13 cadet team, who perform in Inspection, Regulation and Exhibition. It is a military drill team in a marching unit that performs routines based on military drill. They work on perfecting their proficiency and also choose to compete against other programs


Physical Training Team

Cowtown PT Team

Captain: Cadet Fernando Ramirez

Co-Captain: Andrea Vega

JROTC Physical Fitness Team goes to all of the JROTC competitions and the members compete for the most push-ups, pull ups sit ups, and the fastest mile time. Physical Training team is way for you to have fun but also get into physical shape.

Practices for PT are held Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 4:30pm to 5:30pm


Orienteering Team

Orienteering Team

Captain: Cadet Christina Ramirez

Co-captain: Cadet Victor Salazar

Orienteering is a combination of cross country running and land navigation. It is an individual race, but you must build your course using a clue sheet, map and compass to find your way from point to point on a course set out in the woods. Normally courses have a maximum of 3 hours to complete the course. As a cadet improves in skill, he or she will compete at the next level on competitions. The levels, from easiest to most difficult are white, yellow, orange, and green.

Practices for Orienteering are held Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 4:30pm to 5:30pm


Rifle Team

Rifle Team

Captain: Cadet Orozco Hageo

Co-Captain: Hitzel Pacheco

The Rifle Team is a team that consists of skilled marksman, both male and female, that compete against other schools in sanctioned matches. They shoot in three different positions: prone, standing, and kneeling. Three-Position Air Rifle provides young competitors with competitive shooting sports opportunities that can be offered on a wide variety of easily accessible or easily constructed ranges, with equipment that is commonly available at affordable costs.


Academic Team

Captain: Cadet Jacquelin Rubio



The academic team is one of the most intellectually challenging teams within the JROTC program. Military history, current events, citizenship, flags, drill, and ceremony are just a few of the arenas in which they are trained. Their intelligence is measured through various mental competitions, challenges, written exams.