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Cadet Activities

Pinning Ceromony

(oct 24th 4:30-8pm)

The Pinning Ceromony is where Cadets from Specials Teams are publicly Recognize from the LET 1-4s,

The LET 1s are also being promoted as way to show grattitude to them as they set the standards of what it means to be a cadet here at Skyline JROTC

JROTC Special Teams Meet


(Nov 2nd)

JROTC Teams Meet is a Competition for Military-Style JROTC Special Teams,Progrmas mays aslo compete in the Nationals such as one held in Dayton Beach, Florida.                                                                                                                        

The teams who will attend this years meet are

Varsity Male/Female Color Guard

Varsity Armed Drill Team

Varsity Unarmed Drill Team

Varsity Rifle Team

Varsity PT

Academic Team


MLK Parade

January 21, 2020

Cadets volunteered their time out of school to participate in the MLK Parade. We started at Holmes St. and Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and marched down to the entrance of the State Fair.